Tillandsia International
43714 Road 415
Coarsegold, California 93614
Phone: (559) 683-7097 Fax: (559) 658-8847
E-mail: frank@airplant.com
Full catalog and order form at our Web Site: http://www.airplant.com
Are you a collector or hobbyist? Do not want the Minimums?
Try our most popular distributor John McKenzie, eBay power seller with 100% positive feed back.
Web site: www.airplants4u.com
Email: john@airplants4u.com
Phone: 530- 873- 6730
Domestic Minimum Order Requirement $150.00-Foreign and Hawaii Minimum Order Requirement $400.00
Plants $1.50 and under, minimum 10 plants per species.
Plants between $1.51 and $4.99, minimum 5 plants per species.
Plants between $5.00 and $19.99, minimum 2 plants per species.
Plants $20.00 and over, 1 plant per species.
Domestic Quantity Discount Levels Foreign and Hawaii Quantity Discount Levels
$300.00 += 10% $500.00 += 20%
$500.00 += 20% $700.00 += 30%
$700.00 += 30% $1000.00 += 32%
$1000.00 += 32% $2000.00 += 34%
$2000.00 += 34%
In order to better serve our customers, we urge you to use our secured online order form or fax. (559-658-8847) to send in your orders at any time. This helps eliminate errors in addresses, phone numbers, and species names. You can also send your order, shipping, and payment information to frank@airplant.com as well as any inquiries you may have.
Plastic Care Tags-3”-5 1/2” waterproof care tags for your customers- $0.30 each.
Tillandsia Booklet-A beginner’s guide to successfully growing Tillandsias-$2.50 each.
~These items can be viewed on our web site www.airplant.com~
~January 26th 2010~
Bloom List-Plants in bud or flower
LIMITED SUPPLIES-Availability: first come first served / Can change hourly.
Have your order shipped by Friday January 29th, 2010 and receive FREE: 10 Tenuifolia Blue Clump, a $6.50 VALUE! Yours free with any order. **ORDER MUST BE PLACED ON-LINE BY 10:00 AM ON FRIDAY JANUARY 29TH AND MENTION SPECIAL IN THE COMMENTS BOX**
Aeranthos Bottle Brush (low bud) $3.00
Ixioides x Aeranthos Specimen $25.00
Stricta Giant~ Single (low bud) $2.75
Stricta Giant Black Tip (low bud) $6.00
Other Plants in Bud
Aeranthos Hybrid Giant LIMITED QUANTITIES $2.00
Aeranthos Mini Purple (low bud) $1.50
Aeranthos Purple Giant $2.00
Aeranthos x Meridionalis (low bud) $1.50
Bandensis $3.00
Bulbosa 4”-6” $1.75
Duratii 12” (limited quantities) $10.00
Ionantha x Baileyi $1.50
Jalisco-Monticola $50.00
Streptocarpa $6.00
Stricta Pink Bronze $1.50
Stricta Stiff Star 6”-8” $2.50
Stricta x Gardneri $3.00
Tenuifolia Blue GOOD COLOR $0.40
Tenuifolia Blue Clump (low bud) $0.65
Tenuifolia Blue Specimen $4.00
Tenuifolia Fine Clump (low bud) $0.75
Tenuifolia v Disticha $0.50
X Floridiana $1.00
Araujei Closed Form $0.75
BERGERI HYBRID $12.00 per lb. $30.00 per kilo.-Various Clones on hanging wire
Bergeri Giant -Specimen -Between the sizes of a volleyball and basketball $25.00
Ehlersiana 3’-4” $1.00
Ehlersiana 4”-6” -Looks like a Caput on Steroids $1.50
Houston X $3.50
Ionantha Huamelula largest, fattest ionantha $5.00
Ionantha x Brachy. 3”-4” $1.25
Ixioides $3.00
Neglecta Red spike, Bright blue flower (when in bud) $0.50
Secunda 10”-14” $10.00
Setacea Clump $2.00
Tectorum “White Fuzzy” 4”-6” $10.00
Tenuifolia v Amethyst $2.50
Usneoides Coarse/Fine Mix $1.50
X Victoria $1.75
Aeranthos/Bergeri Hybrid $1.00, Aeranthos Bronze $0.75, Aeranthos Hybrid $0.50, Aeranthos Large $1.00, Araujei Closed Form $1.00, Araujei Open Form $0.75, Bergeri $0.50, Caliginosa (fragrant) $1.00, Chaetophylla $0.75, Crocata Giant $1.00, Crocata v Tristis $1.00, Ehlersiana 2”-3” $0.75, Ehlersiana 3”-4” $1.00, Fuchsii v Gracillis $0.50, Ionantha Fuego $1.00, Ionantha Guat. $0.50, Ionantha Mex. Small $0.50, Ionantha Peach $0.75, Ionantha Rubra $0.55, Ionantha Selecta $1.00, Juncea 6”-8” $0.75, Kolbii Lg. $0.75, Kolbii Sm. $0.50, Latifolia 2”-3” $0.75, Latifolia 3”-4” $1.00, Neglecta $0.50, Recurvata $0.50, Recurvifolia v Subsecundifolia Small $1.00, Schiedeana $0.35, Schiedeana v Glab. $0.75, Straminea Bush-fragrant $1.00, Stricta 3” $0.50, Stricta 4” $0.75, Stricta Stiff Gray 4” $1.00, Stricta x Tenuifolia $0.75, Tectorum Stem $1.00, Tenuifolia Blue $0.40, Tenuifolia Blue Clump $0.65, Tenuifolia Bronze Tip Single $0.50, Tenuifolia Bush $0.75, Tenuifolia Fine Clump $0.75, Tenuifolia Tall $0.75, Tenuifolia v Disticha $0.50, Usneoides Clump $1.00, X Floridiana $1.00
Capitata Yellow $20.00, Fasciculata Giant Hybrid $15.00, Fasciculata x Ionantha Lg. $7.50, Rolland-Gosselinii $30.00, Secunda 10”-14”+ $10.00
Aeranthos/Bergeri Hybrid $1.00, Aeranthos/Bergeri Hybrid Clumps (10-15 plants each-not in bud) on hanging wire $3.00 each, Aeranthos Bronze $0.75, Aeranthos Large $1.00, Aeranthos Mini Purple $1.50, Aeranthos x Meridionalis $1.50, Araujei Open Form $0.75, Bergeri Giant Specimen $25.00, Bergeri Hybrid $12.00 per lb or $30.00 per kg, Brachycaulos x Schiedeana $2.00, Caulescens $2.00, Chiapensis 3” $2.00, Concolor Giant Form 8”-12” $5.00, Ehlersiana 3”-4” $1.00, Ehlersiana 4”-6” $1.50, Harrisii 6” $3.50, Ionantha Albino $0.75, Ionantha Guat. $0.50, Ionantha Huamelula $5.00, Ionantha Mex. Small $0.50, Ionantha x Brachycaulos 3”-4” $1.25, Juncea 6”-8” $0.75, Latifolia 2”-3” $0.75, Latifolia 3”-4” $1.00, Montana Clump $2.25, Montana Large $1.25, Neglecta $0.50, Recurvifolia v Subsecundifolia Large $2.50, Recurv. V Sub. Small $1.00, Recurv. V Sub Hybrid $3.00, Stricta 3” $0.50, Stricta 4” $0.75, Stricta 5” $1.25, Stricta Green Clump Large $2.50, Stricta Green Clump Small $1.50, Stricta Large Clump $3.50, Stricta Silver Star $3.00, Stricta Specimen $8.00, Stricta Stiff Gray 4” $1.00, Stricta Stiff Gray 6” $1.50, Tenuifolia Blue $0.40, Tenuifolia Blue Clump $0.65, Tenuifolia Blue Specimen $4.00, Tenuifolia Bronze Tip Singles $0.50, Tenuifolia Bush $0.75, Tenuifolia Fine Clump $0.75, Tenuifolia Tall Form $0.75, Usneoides Clump $1.00, Usneoides Coarse/Fine Mix $1.50, Velutina 4” $1.25, Velutina 6” $1.75, X Floridiana $1.00,
MANY OTHER SPECIES AVAILABLE-CLICK ON http://www.airplant.com/price.html
Aeranthos Bronze Specimen $5.00, Aeranthos & Bergeri Hybrid Clumps (10-15 plants each-not in bud) on hanging wire $3.00 each, Bergeri $12.00 per lb. or $30.00 per kg, Bergeri Giant Specimen $25.00, Ehlersiana Specimen $10.00, Juncea Specimen 8”-12” $6.00, Peru Inca Gold Specimen $5.00, Streptocarpa Mini X Specimen $5.00, Stricta Gray Specimen $5.00, Stricta Specimen $8.00, Stricta Stiff Purple Specimen $5.00, Tenuifolia Blue Specimen $4.00, Tenuifolia Bronze Tip Specimen $3.00, Tenuifolia Bush Specimen $5.00, Tenuifolia Purple Heart Specimen $5.00, X Floridiana Specimen 8”-10” $4.50
~CURRENT PRICE CHANGES/NEW ADDITIONS~ Abdita Large Red Form $20.00, Acostae $8.00, Aeranthos Bronze Specimen $5.00, Aeranthos Hybrid $0.50, Aeranthos Hybrid Giant Clump $5.00, Aeranthos/Bergeri Hybrid $1.00, Albertiana Sm. Clump $3.00, Albida $4.00, Albertiana Sm. Clump $1.50, Argentina $1.25, Arhiza $2.00, Arhiza–Juliae x Pruinosa $2.50, Baileyi True $2.00, Balbisiana Giant Hybrid $3.00, Balbisiana Red Form $6.00, Balsasensis $5.00, Bandensis $3.00, Bergeri Hybrid per lb. $12.00, Bergeri x Aeranthos Mix per lb. $12.00, Capitata v Domingensis $8.00, Caput Purple 4”-6” $1.00, Caput Purple 6”-8” $2.00, Caput Purple 8”+ $5.00, Cauligera $4.00, Concolor x Ionantha Select Red $12.50, Didisticha $10.00, Didisticha Giant Form $15.00, Disticha Green $8.00, Ehlersiana Specimen $10.00, Exserta $6.00, Exserta x Fasciculata $7.00, Fasciculata Red Giant $15.00, Festucoides $3.00, Floribunda $6.00, Fuchsii $6.00, Hammeri $4.00, Harrisii Clump $4.00, Intermedia $5.00, Ionantha Clump Large $3.50, Ionantha Clump Small $2.00, Ionantha Peach $1.00, Ionantha Peanut $0.75, Ionantha Peanut Clump $5.00, Ionantha Tall Velvet $2.50, Ionantha Van Hyn. $6.00, Ionantha x Schiedeana $1.00, Ixioides x Aeranthos $2.00, Jalisco-Monticola $50.00, Jalisco-Monticola x $15.00, Jucunda $2.00, Juncea 8”-12” $1.00, Kammii $12.50, Karwinskyana $3.00, Kegeliana x Rothii $25.00, Latifolia 2”-3” $0.75, Latifolia v Prolifera $8.00, Makoyana $15.00, Micans Hybrid $3.75, Montana Clump $2.25, Montana Large $1.25, Montana Purple $2.00, Montana Thick Leaf $1.50, Montana Thick Leaf Clump $4.00, Myosura $5.00, Paleacea $1.25, Paleacea Maxima $2.50, Paucifolia Guat. $1.50, Paucifolia Red Hybrid $6.00, Plagiotropica $6.00, Polystachia Red Hybrid $10.00, Propagulifera 3”-4” $2.50, Propagulifera 4”-5” $5.00, Propagulifera 5”-8” $8.00, Pruinosa $5.00, Pruinosa x Arhiza-Juliae $4.00, Pueblensis $2.00, Purpurea $2.50, Purpurea x Purple $8.00, Queroensis $4.00, Rodrigueziana Red Giant $10.00, Schatzlii Red X $5.00, Schiedeana v Glab. $0.75, Setacea Clump $2.00, Streptocarpa $6.00, Streptocarpa Mini x $2.50, Stricta Gray Specimen $5.00, Stricta Magenta $2.00, Stricta Midnight $3.00, Stricta Silver Star $3.00, Stricta Purple Star $5.00, Stricta Soft Purple Clump $5.00, Stricta Soft Purple 6”+ $3.00, Stricta Stiff Purple Specimen $5.00, Stricta Stiff Star 3”-5” $1.75, Stricta Stiff Star 6”-8” $2.50, Stricta Wisk $3.00, Tenuifolia Bronze Giant $1.75, Tenuifolia Bronze Tip Clump $3.00, Tenuifolia Bush Clump $3.00, Tenuifolia Bush Specimen $5.00, Tenuifolia Purple Heart Specimen $5.00, Tenuifolia Stiff Clump $2.00, Usneoides Clump per Lb. $12.00, Usneoides Clump per Kg. $25.00, Utriculata v Prengelii Lg. Clump $3.00, Utriculata v Prengelii Sm. Clump $1.50, Velutina Clump $4.00, Vernicosa Purple Giant $5.00, Vernicosa Tall $5.00, Velutina x Exserta $10.00, Vicentina $7.00, Vicentina X $7.00, Xerographica Sm. 5”-7” $8.00
NO STOCK – Do not order Achyrostachys, Albertiana Lg. Clump, Albertiana Specimen per ¼ lb., Albida 4”-5”, Albida 6”-8”, Ampula, Araujei Specimen, Balsasensis, Brachy. Green Clump 8”-12”, Brachy. Green Clump 12”+, Brachy. Selecta, Bulbosa 6”-8”, Bulbosa “Mini Brazil”, Butzii x Caput, Butzii Specimen, Caliginosa Specimen, Capitata v Orange, Caput – Medusae 5”-6”, Caput – Medusae 7”-9”, Caput – Medusae 10”+, Caput Purple Clump, Caput Specimen, Cauligera 10”+, Cauligera Major 6”-8”, Cauligera Major 12”+, Circinnatoides Hybrid, Deppeana, Diaguitensis, Diguetii, E-6000 10.2 oz. tube, Ecarinata, Ehlersiana 6”-10”, Ehlersiana x Strepto., Extensa, Fasciculata Multispike, Festucoides Clump, Filifolia, Flexuosa v Vivaparva, Fraseri, Gardneri, Gilliesii, Globosa, Hondurensis, Huarazensis, Humilis, Ionantha Albino, Ionantha Conehead, Ionantha Crested, Ionantha Curly Giant, Ionantha Mex. per lb., Ionantha Rosita, Ionantha x Baileyi Specimen, Ionantha x Brachy. 5”-8”, Ionantha x Brachy. Specimen, Ionantha x Fasciculata Specimen, Ionantha x Paucifolia Giant, Juncea 12”-18”, Juncea Thick Leaf, Kautskyii, Latifolia 8”-10”, Latifolia 11”+, Latifolia Enano Red 2”-3”, Leiboldiana, Lotteae, Mallemontii Clump-Blue, Meridionalis x Stricta, Mitlaensis, Monadelpha, Montana Crested Giant, Narthecioides, Neglecta Specimen, Pohliana, Pruinosa x Arhiza-Juliae, Purpurea, Queroensis 7”-10”, Recurv. V Sub. 2-3 clump, Recurv. V Sub. 4-6 clump, Recurv. V. Sub. Specimen, Rhomboidea, Schiedeana Clump 6”-8”, Secunda 4”-6”, Seleriana Red X, Somnians, Sprengeliana, Straminea Stem, Streptophylla 3”-5”, Streptophylla 4”-6”, Streptophylla 8”, Stricta Grand Selecta, Stricta Green Goddess, Stricta Lg. Clump per lb., Subteres, Tectorum Fuzzy Giant 7”-10”, Tenuifolia Purple Fan, Tenuifolia Stiff Form, Tenuifolia Stiff Open, Utriculata v Prengelii, , Variabilis, Vriesea Rauhii, Xerographica Small 5”-7”.
http://airplant.com/related.htm minimum 5 units per style-Discount Apply.
Lattice Pot Window Garden: $1.50each or 48 sets @ $34.40
Lion Urn: $1.25 each or 24 units @ $10.40
Hand Painted Terra Cotta Pot: $0.50 each or 432 units @ $104.00
Basket with Handle: $0.50 each or 240 units @ $57.60
Little basket: $0.30 each or 600 units @ $108.00
ORDER EARLY Hours: M- F 8-2 p.s.t.
LIMITED SUPPLIES-Availability: first come first served / Can change hourly.
The Largest Tillandsia Nursery in North America
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