43714 Road 415
California 93614
(559) 683-7097 Fax: (559) 658-8847
This is not a complete listing of our availability. MANY OTHER SPECIES ARE AVAILABLE-CLICK ON www.airplant.com/price.html
Are you a collector or hobbyist? Do not want the
The independent,
exclusive, retail distributor listed below can help you. They offer fast
service, inexpensive phyto-sanitary certificates for international shipping and
years of experience.
wide distributor located in California
John McKenzie
Paradise, CA
Web site: www.airplants4u.com
Email: john@airplants4u.com
Phone: (530)873- 6730
Domestic Minimum Order Requirement $150.00-Foreign and Hawaii
Minimum Order Requirement $400.00
Plants $1.50 and under, minimum 10 plants per species.
Plants between $1.51 and $4.99, minimum 5 plants per species.
Plants between $5.00 and $19.99, minimum 2 plants per species.
Plants $20.00 and over, 1 plant per species.
Domestic Quantity Discount Levels Foreign and Hawaii Quantity
Discount Levels
$300.00 += 10% $500.00 += 20%
$500.00 += 20% $700.00 += 30%
$700.00 += 30% $1000.00 += 32%
$1000.00 += 32% $2000.00 += 34%
$2000.00 += 34%
order to better serve our customers, we urge you to use our secured online
order form https://secure1.giganetmall.com/secureforms/airplant/ordernew.html
or fax. (559-658-8847) to send in your orders at any time. This helps eliminate errors in addresses,
phone numbers, and species names. You
can also send your order, shipping, and payment information to frank@airplant.com as well as
any inquiries you may have.
Care Tags-3”-5 1/2” waterproof care tags for your customers- $0.40 each.
items can be viewed on our web site www.airplant.com~
Great prices on our pots and baskets!!!
(plants not included)
Basket with handle $0.50
Lion Urn
$0.95 cents each, sold in increments
of 2 only.
$10.40 for case of 24 ($.43 cents each).
$10.40 for case of 24 ($.43 cents each).
5 Stricta Green Clump-Small, a $10.00 VALUE! Yours free with any
order placed online. You MUST place your
order online and mention the special in the “comments” box to receive the free
Bloom List-Plants in bud or flower
SUPPLIES-Availability: first come first served / Can change hourly.
Tillandsia Giant Specimen In Bud/Bloom
Tenuifolia Bronze Giant Specimen
$20.00-2 at this price
Tenuifolia Bronze Giant Specimen $30.00-4
at this price
Weekly Specials in Bud
Duratii Curly 12” SHOWING FRAGRANT
FLOWERS $12.00
X Floridiana Rose Giant $7.50
Ixioides Fragrant Dwarf $6.00
Kegeliana x Rothii (hi bud) $15.00
Strepto. X Brachy. $6.00
Other Plants in Bud
Achyrostachys $10.00
Achyrostachys Hybrid $6.00
Bulbosa 4”-6” $1.75
Caliginosa x Crocata $8.00
Capitata Rubra $20.00
Capitata x Fasciculata $10.00
Fasciculata Hybrid Giant Mix 12”+
Fasciculata Mexican $15.00
Festucoides $3.00
Harrisii 6” $2.50
Ionantha x Baileyi $3.50
Ixioides $5.00
Jucunda $1.75
Juncea 12”-18” $2.50
Leonamiana $7.50
Neglecta Giant $4.00
Polystachia Red Hybrid $15.00
Streptocarpa $6.00
Streptophylla Guat 6”-8” $10.00
Stricta Stiff Purple $3.00
Stricta x Tenuifolia $2.00
Tenuifolia Purple Fan $20.00
Velutina 6” $1.50
Xero. X Brachy. 5”-7” $2.00
Arhiza Giant
8”-12” $4.00
12”-18” $6.00
T. Xerographica Small 4-6”
As low as $5.77 when purchased at the 30% quantity discount level.
As low as $5.77 when purchased at the 30% quantity discount level.
See www.airplant.com/pdf/pricelist.pdf
Pictures at www.airplant.com
Pictures at www.airplant.com
Aeranthos/Bergeri Giant Specimen $20.00 These can
be sold as is or broken down to single plants.
Aeranthos Bronze 1”-1 ½” $0.60
Guat ~ Extra Large $0.50
low as $0.35 when purchased at the 30% quantity discount level.
Hybrid 2”-6” (Growers Choice) $0.50
Bergeri Hybrid 2”-6” $0.50
Stricta, Tenuifolia and their hybrids 3”-6” $0.65
Achyrostachys 3”-5” $5.00
Aeranthos Bronze $0.60
Aeranthos/Bergeri Hybrid $0.90
Arhiza Giant Form 8”-12” $4.00
Arhiza Giant Form 12”-18” $6.00
Baileyi (small clumps) $1.00
Balsasensis $3.00
Belloensis 8”-12” $10.00
Bergeri Small $0.75
Bulbosa 3”-4” $1.25
Cacticola $8.00
Capitata v Domingensis $5.00
Caput Purple 5”-7” $6.00
Chiapensis x Achyrostachys $12.50
Crocata v Tristis $1.00
Didisticha Giant $12.00
Elizabethiae 5”-7” $6.00
Extensa $3.00
Extensa Red Form 6”-8” $6.00
Extensa Red Form 10”-12”
Fasciculata Giant 16”-24” $20.00
Filifolia 3”-4” $2.00
Flexuosa v Vivaparva 4”-6” $20.00
Gardneri 5”-7” $10.00
Hammeri $2.00
Harrisii 4”-5” $1.50
Ionantha Fuego-X-Large-Very Colorful $2.25
Ionantha Guat. Extra Large $0.50
Ionantha Mardi Gras $5.00
Ionantha Mex. Small $1.00
Ionantha Mix per lb. $18.00
Ionantha Ron $1.75
Ionantha x
Brachy. 3”-4” $2.50
Ionantha x
Brachy. 5”-8” $6.00
Fragrant Dwarf $10.00
Juncea Red-Green 4”-6” $1.50
Juncea Red-Green 8”-12” $2.50-LIMITED QUANTITIES
Mauryana $10.00
Neoregelia Small Assorted $3.00
Queroensis 7”-12” $2.50
Recurvifolia v Sub. $2.00
Roland-Gosselinii 10”-14” $25.00
Roezlii 5”-7” $20.00
Schatzlii Red X (red leaves) $4.00
Schusteri $3.50
Secunda 4”-6” $3.00
Secunda 6”-8” $5.00
Secunda 10”-14” $8.00
Seleriana $4.00
Stricta “Emerald Forest” $10.00
Utriculata v Prengelii 3”-5” $1.00
Vriesea Rauhii 6”-10” $7.50
Vriesea Rauhii 12”-18” $15.00
X Kimberly $2.00
Xero. X Brachy. 5”-7” $2.00
Xero. X Brachy. 12”-14” $15.00
Aeranthos/Bergeri Hybrid $1.00, Aeranthos Bronze
$0.75, Aeranthos Hybrid $0.75, Aeranthos Large $1.00, Bergeri Hybrid 2”-6”
$0.50, Bergeri Large Form $1.00, Bergeri Small Form $0.75, Caulescens Small $1.00, Crocata Giant $1.00,
Fuchsii v Gracillis $0.50, Ionantha Guat. $0.55Schiedeana $0.75, Straminea
Bush-fragrant $0.90, Stricta 4” $0.75, Tenuifolia Bronze Tip Small $0.85
Arhiza Giant Form 12”-15” $6.00, Didisticha Giant
$15.00, Fasciculata Giant 16”-24” $20.00, Fasciculata Giant Hybrid $15.00,
Fasciculata x Ionantha Lg. $7.50, Juncea 12”-18” $2.50, Latifolia 14”-18”
$15.00, Rolland-Gosselinii $30.00, Secunda 10”-14”+ $8.00, Vriesea Rauhii
12”-18” $15.00
Aeranthos/Bergeri Hybrid
$1.00, Aeranthos/Bergeri Hybrid Clumps (10-15 plants each-not in bud) on
hanging wire $5.00 each, Aeranthos Bronze $0.75, Aeranthos Large $1.00,
Bergeri Giant Specimen $25.00, Bergeri Hybrid $12.00 per lb or $30.00 per kg,
Brachycaulos x Schiedeana $2.00, Bulbosa 3”-4” $1.25, Bulbosa 4”-6’ $1.75,
Caput-Medusae 5”-6” $1.50, Harrisii 4” $1.50, Juncea 7”-10” $ 1.05, Juncea
12”-18” $2.50, Montana $1.25, Recurvifolia v. Subsecundifolia $2.50, Stricta 5”
$1.25, Stricta Green Clump Large $5.00, Stricta Green Clump Small $2.00, Tenuifolia
Bronze Tip Small $0.85
MANY OTHER SPECIES AVAILABLE-CLICK ON http://www.airplant.com/price.html
Aeranthos & Bergeri
Hybrid Clumps (10-15 plants each-not in bud) on hanging wire $5.00 each, Bergeri $12.00 per lb. or $30.00 per kg, Bergeri Giant Specimen $25.00
~CURRENT PRICE CHANGES/NEW ADDITIONS~ Achyrostachys $10.00, Aeranthos
Mini Purple $2.00, Aeranthos Purple Leather $8.00, Albida 4”-6” $1.75, Albida
8”-12” $5.00, Araujei Hybrid $1.00, Araujei Closed Form $2.00, Araujei Open
Form $1.50, Arhiza Giant Form 8”-12” $4.00, Arhiza Giant Form 12”-18” $6.00,
Atroviridipetala Giant $12.50, Atroviridipetala
Large $7.50, Atroviridipetala Small $6.00, Balsasensis $4.00, Belloensis 8”-12”
$10.00, Bergeri Hybrid 2”-6” $0.50, Bergeri
Hybrid per lb. $15.00, Bergeri/Aeranthos per lb. $15.00, Brachy. X Concolor
$5.00, Bradeana $15.00, Bulbosa 6”-8” $6.50, Butzii 6”-10” $1.25, Caballosensis
$8.00, Capitata Salmon $25.00, Caput-Medusae 5”-6” $1.50, Caput-Medusae 6”-8”
$2.50, Caput Purple 3”-4” $2.50, Caput Purple 5”-7” $6.00, Care Tags $0.40,
Chiapensis 4” $5.00, Chiapensis 6” $7.00, Chiapensis x Achyrostachys $20.00, Chiapensis
x Velutina $15.00, Concolor 3”-4” $1.25, Concolor x Acostae $15.00, Concolor x
Fasciculata $10.00, Crocata v Tristis $1.00, Deppeana $20.00, Diaguitensis
$5.00, Duratii Curly Form 5” $7.00, Duratii Curly Form 8” $10.00, Duratii Curly
Form 12” $18.00, Duratii Open Form $12.00, E-6000 $5.75, Ehlersiana 2”-3” $1.00,
Exserta $5.00, Extensa $3.00, Extensa
Red Form 4”-6” $2.50, Extensa Red Form 6”-8” $7.00, Extensa Red Form 10”-12”
$15.00, Fasciculata 6”-9” $2.25, Fasciculata Giant 16”-24” $20.00, Fasciculata Mexican $15.00, Filifolia 3”-4”
$2.50, Filifolia 6” $5.00, Flabellata $6.00, Funkiana 1”-2” $1.00, Funkiana
2”-3” $1.50, Gardneri 5”-7’ $10.00, Geminiflora $8.00, Glabrior $2.00, Hammeri
$3.00, Harrisii 4” $1.50, Harrisii 6” $2.50, Ionantha Conehead $5.00, Ionantha
Fat Boy $4.00, Ionantha Fuego $2.25, Ionantha Guat. $0.55, Ionantha Mardi Gras
$5.00, Ionantha Mex. Large $1.25, Ionantha Mex. Small $1.00, Ionantha Mix per
lb. $18.00, Ionantha Peanut $2.00, Ionantha
Ron $2.75, Ionantha Rubra Large $1.00, Ionantha Van Hyn. Large $3.25, Ionantha
Van Hyn. Small $2.25, Ionantha x Baileyi $3.50, Ionantha x Brachy, 3”-4” $2.50,
Ionantha x Brachy. 5”-8” $6.00, Ionantha x Schiedeana $3.00, Ixioides $5.00, Ixioides Fragrant Dwarf $10.00, Ixioides
x Duratii $7.00, Kruseana Red Form $15.00, Latifolia 8”-12” $7.00, Latifolia
14”-18” $15.00, Limbata $10.00, Lymanii 12”-15” $30.00, Magnispica $15.00, Maritima
$25.00, Mauryana $10.00, Montana Hugo $5.00, Montana $1.25. Montana “Spiral”
$5.00, Neglecta 1” $0.75, Neglecta 2”-3” $2.50, Neglecta Giant $4.00, Neglecta
Red Giant $5.00, Nidus 6”-8” $10.00, Nidus 10” $15.00, Paucifolia Mex. $5.00, Peru
Inca Gold 4”-6” $1.25, Peru Inca Gold 6”-8” $2.00, Plumosa $5.00, Pseudobaileyi
$1.50, Purpurea $8.00, Recurvata $1.00, Remota Clump $6.00, Roezlii 5”-7”
$20.00, Rodrigueziana Red Giant 8”-12” $10.00, Rodrigueziana Red Giant 14”-18”
$15.00, Schiedeana $0.75, Seleriana $4.75, Straminea Giant Bush $30.00,
Straminea Giant Tall $20.00, Streptophylla Guat. 4”-6” $7.50, Streptophylla
Guat. 6”-8” $10.00, Streptophylla Mex. 12”+ $20.00, Strepto. X Brachy. $8.50, Stricta
3” $0.50, Stricta “Emerald Forest” $10.00, Stricta Giganticus $5.00, Stricta
Green Clump per lb. $9.50, Stricta Green Clump per kg. $21.00, Stricta Green
Giant $3.00, Stricta Magenta $3.00, Stricta ‘Rio Negro’ $5.00, Stricta Violet
$3.00, Stricta v Compacta $2.50, Superinsignis
8”-12” $25.00, SUPERTHRIVE 1 OZ. $6.52, Tenuifolia Blue $1.00, Tenuifolia
Bronze Tip Small $0.85, Tenuifolia Bush $2.00, Tenuifolia Purple Bush $3.00,
Tenuifolia Purple Fan $20.00, Tenuifolia v Disticha $0.75, Usneoides
Coarse/Fine per lb. $15.00, Usneoides Curly $6.00, Usneoides Fine $6.00, Utriculata
v Prengelii 2”-3” $0.75, Velutina 6” $1.75, Vriesea Espinosae $10.00, Vriesea
Rauhii 12”-18” $15.00, Xerographica 4”-6” $8.25, Xero. X Brachy. 8”+ $5.00,
Xero. X Brachy. 10”+ $10.00
NO STOCK – Do not order
Black Giant, Aeranthos Hybrid Giant Clump, Aeranthos Minuette Giant Specimen, Aeranthos
Purple Giant, Aeranthos x Meridionalis, Albida 3”-4”, Albida 12”+, Andreana, Araujei Green Star, Arhiza-Juliae
x Pruinosa, Balbisiana Red-Green, Balbisiana x Velutina, Beutelspacheri, Black
Murex Shells, Bourgaei, Brachy. Giant Green, Bulbosa Mini Brazil, Bulbosa
2”-3”, Bulbosa 7”, Butzii 8”-12”, Butzii 10”, Califanii, Callichroma, Capitata
Green, Capitata Mauve Giant, Caput-Medusae 3”, Caput-Medusae 4”, Caput-Medusae
4”-5”, Caput-Medusae 7”-9”, Caput-Medusae 9”, Caput x Brachy., Carlos Hankii, Chaetophylla,
Concolor 2”-3”, Concolor 8”-12”, Concolor 12”+, Concolor x Caput-Medusae, Concolor
x Streptophylla, Crocata Clump, Dyeriana
4”, Ehlersiana 2”-3”, Ehlersiana 3”-4”, Eizii,
Eizii 12”, Extensa White Form, Fasciculata 9”+, Fasciculata x Oaxaca, Fraseri
12”-18”, Fraseri 18”-30”, Funkiana 3”-4, Funkiana 4”-7”, Gardneri v Rupicola, Globosa,
Grandis, Grandis 18”-24”, Grandis Purple Form, Grassifolia Clump, Gymnobotrya, Harrisii
8”, Harrisii 12”, Harrisii Clump, Heterophylla, Hintoniana, Houston x, Huaranzensis, Imperialis, Ionantha
Albino, Ionantha Clump Small, Ionantha Crested Form, Ionantha Fuego Red Giant,
Ionantha Grace, Ionantha Huamelula, Ionantha Peach, Ionantha Rosita, Ionantha
Rubra Small, Ionantha Selecta Large , Ionantha x Schiedeana, Jalisco-Monticola
x, Jucunda, Juncea 4”-6”, Juncea 5”-6”, Juncea
Giant Form, Juncea Mix 4”-6”, Juncea Specimen, Juncea Thick Leaf, Latifolia
2”-3”, Latifolia 10”-15”, Latifolia Caulescent, Latifolia Enano Red 4”-6”, Latifolia
v Prolifera, Mexicana, Montana Black, Montana Clump, Montana Large, Montana
Purple, Montana x Stricta, Multicaulis, Murex
Ramosa Shells, Nana, Paleacea Maxima, Parryii, Paucifolia, Peru Inca Gold Specimen, Peru Inca Gold Giant
Specimen, Pink Murex shells, Polystachia Large, Prodigiosa, Propagulifera 12”, Pueblensis, Purpurea,
Purpurea x Purple, Recurvifolia, Recurvifolia Giant Form, Recurvifolia v
Subsecundifolia Large, Reichenbachii 4”-6”, Remota Small Clump, Rhodocephala, Rodrigueziana
x Brachy., Roezlii, Rothii, Schiedeana Giant Form, Seideliana Specimen, Seleriana,
Seleriana Mini Purple, Seleriana Purple Hybrid, Straminea Tall White, Streptocarpa
Mini x Specimen, Strepto. X Bulbosa, Strepto. X Pseudo., Streptophylla 8”-12”,
Streptophylla Guat. 3”-5”, Streptophylla
Mex. 4”-6”, Streptophylla Mex. 6”-8”, Streptophylla Mex. 12”, Streptophylla x
Fasciculata, Stricta 3”, Stricta 4”, Stricta
Giant Black Tip. Stricta Giant-Single, Stricta Grand Selecta, Stricta Green
Giant, Stricta Midnight, Stricta Pink Bronze,
Stricta Purple Star, Stricta Silver Star, Stricta Soft Purple, Stricta Stiff
Star, Stricta x Tenuifolia, Sucrei, Superinsignis, Supermexicana, Superthrive ½
oz.(new size available), Rhodocephala, Tectorum Bush 3”-5”, Tectorum Fuzzy
Giant, Tectorum White Fuzzy 4”-6”, Tenuifolia Bronze Giant Specimen, Tenuifolia
Bronze Tip Large, Tenuifolia Bush Clump,
Tenuifolia Fine, Tenuifolia Fine Clump, Tenuifolia Stiff Clump, Tenuifolia Tall
Form, Tenuifolia v Amethyst, Tenuifolia x Araujei, Tortillis, Usneoides Clump
(single $1.00), Usneoides Coarse/Fine (single clump $1.50), Velutina 4”-5”, Vernicosa Open, Violacea, x Victoria, X Victoria XL, Xerographica 7”-10”, Xerographica
http://airplant.com/related.htm minimum 5
units per style-Discount Apply.
Lattice Pot Window Garden: $1.50each or 48 sets @
Lion Urn: $1.25 each or 24 units @ $10.40
Painted Terra Cotta Pot: $0.50 each or 432 units @ $104.00
with Handle: $0.50 each or 240 units @ $57.60
basket: $0.30 each or 600 units @ $108.00
EARLY Hours: M- F 8-2 p.s.t.
SUPPLIES-Availability: first come first served / Can change hourly.
Largest Tillandsia Nursery in North America
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