Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Air Plant Bloomlist 06-20-2018

Tillandsia International

43714 Road 415, Coarsegold, CA 93614
Phone (559) 683-7097 - FAX (559) 658-8847
Website: - Email:

View our current price list at:


June 19, 2018
(Updated every Tuesday)


Sizzling Summer Sale!

Blooming Plants on Sale

Bandensis 99¢ SALE!

Bradeana x Roland-Gosselinii $12.00 SALE! NEW CROP!

Bulbosa x Rodrigueziana $8.00 SALE! GREAT PRICE!

Capitata Mauve 8”+ $5.99 SALE!

Capitata Rubra $10.00 SALE!

Capitata x Balbisiana $2.99 SALE!

Concolor x Paucifolia Mini $3.00 SALE!

Concolor x Streptophylla $6.00 SALE!

 Concolor x Streptophylla Mini (4”-5”) $4.00 CUTE!

Correalei X $6.00 SALE!

Crocata v Tristis $2.00 SALE!

Disticha Green $3.00  SALE!

Kuntziana (Kruseana Red) $5.00 SUPER SALE!

Paleacea Hybrid 99¢ SALE!  

Paucifolia x Streptophylla 6”-9” $4.99 SALE!

Red Torch $19.99 WoW! SALE!

Straminea Delicata $1.99 SALE!

Stricta Green Goddess $3.99 SALE!

Stricta Midnight $2.00 SALE!

Stricta Silver Star $2.99  SALE!

Xero. x Capitata $10.00 SALE!

X Mystic Rainbow $2.99 SALE!



More Plants in Bud


Ampla $10.00 LARGE PLANTS!

Balbisiana x Velutina $6.00  NICE COLOR!

Balsasensis $2.00 NICE!

Bronze Crown $10.00 LOW BUD!

Butzii x Seleriana $8.00

Capitata Green $5.00

Capitata Maroon $15.00 GORGEOUS!

Capitata Orange $7.50 NICE!

Capitata Yellow $10.00 SWEET!

Capitata x Balbisiana Giant $7.00 NEW CROP!

Caput-Medusae 3-6” $1.25

Caput x Pseudobaileyi $8.00

Comarapaensis $6.00

Concolor x Paucifolia 4”-6” $4.00

Concolor x Paucifolia 7”-10” $6.00

Concolor x Rodrigueziana $10.00 NICE COLOR!

Cyanea Clump (3 available) $10.00

Disticha v Petrea Mini $4.00 CUTE!

Edithae Sm. $8.00

Eltoniana $30.00  NICE!

Fasciculata Hybrid 11”+ $7.50

Fasciculata v Compacta $12.00 GREAT COLOR!

Fasciculata v Hondurensis $18.00

Flabellata $8.00

Flavo-Bracteata $8.00

Flexuosa Viva-Parva 9”-12” $8.00 COOL!

Funckiana 3”-4” $2.00

Incarnata $5.00

Intermedia 10-14” $10.00

Ionantha Fuego/Peanut Sm. Clump $2.50  BUD/COLOR

Ionantha x Schiedeana $3.00 BIG!

Jalisco-Monticola Hybrid Large $19.95

Kammii $6.00 LOW BUD!

Karwinskyana (10 available) $3.00

Kegeliana x Rothii $10.00

Latifolia 8”-12” $7.50

Latifolia 14”-18” $9.99 GREAT BUY!

Latifolia Prolifera $10.00  BIG & FULL

Limbata $10.00

Loliacea $3.00 CUTE & TINY!

Mauryana $15.00

Magnispica $10.00

Paucifolia Snow White $6.00

Plumosa $10.00 GREEN FLOWERS!

Pruinosa $5.00

Recurving Xerographica $10.00 (Only 10 in bud)

Reichenbachii $8.00

Straminea Delicata Multibloom $10.00

Straminea Stem $2.00

Straminea x Arhiza $10.00 NICE SILVER FOLIAGE

Stricta 5”+ $1.50

Stricta Black Tip $3.00  LOW BUD, NICE!

Stricta Green Clump Large $5.00  LOW BUD, NICE!

Streptocarpa $6.00 FRAGRANT!

Vernicosa Giant $10.00

Vernicosa Tall $5.00

X Mystic Flame $4.00

X Redy 4”-6” $5.00

X Victoria $5.00

Zecherii $25.00

Best Buys!


Ehlersiana 2”-3” 75¢
(52¢ net price at $800 discount level!!)


Aeranthos Hybrid Giant 99¢

Aeranthos/Bergeri 4”-5” 99¢
Bartramii 99¢

Brachy. x Schiedeana 99¢
Caerulea 99¢

Capillaris 99¢

Cocoensis 99¢
Crocata Giant 99¢
Crocata v Tristis $2.00

Exserta x Fasciculata Crested $5.00 GREAT PRICE!

Harrisii 3”-5” 99¢ LAST CHANCE AT THIS PRICE!

Ionantha Fuego/Peanut ¾ - 1 ½“ 99¢

Montana 99¢
Recurvata 99¢

Stricta Stiff Gray 99¢

X Floridiana 5”-8” 99¢

Xero. x Brachy 3”-4” 99¢


Specials by the Pound
Aeranthos Bronze $15.00

Aeranthos/Bergeri per lb. $9.50

Stricta, Ten. & Hybrids per lb. $8.00 NEW PRICE!

Usneoides Fine per lb. $20.00


Blooming Specimen

Old colonies of Tillandsia’s grown naturally in a clump, most on hanging wire.


Araujei Closed 1@ $30.00

Concolor x Fasciculata Giant 1@ $12.00

Ionantha x Bailey 1@ $35.00

Stricta Green 1@ $30.00

Utriculata v Prengelii 1@ $30.00

Vernicosa Tall 1@ $20.00 

Xero. Capitata 1@ $30.00



Aeranthos Bronze Clump 99¢

Chaetophylla Sm. Clump 99¢

Chiapensis Small Clump $3.00

Ehlersiana Small Clump $2.50 New Release!

Harrisii Small Clump $1.99

Ionantha Fat Boy Sm. Clump $4.50 Very Colorful!

Ionantha Fuego/Peanut Clump $2.50

Ionantha Peach Clump $2.50

Narthecoides Clump $15.00

Neglecta x Stricta Clump $2.50 Great Deal!

Remota Clump $1.00

Setacea Clump 99¢

Stricta Green Clump Large $5.00

Stricta Green Clump Small $2.00

Tenuifolia Blue Sm. Clump 99¢

Xero. x Brachy Clump $2.50

Xiphioides Sm. Clump $4.50  NEW!



Montana 1@ $8.00, 1@ $20.00

Peru Inca Gold 1@ $10.00

Purpurea x Purple 1@ 12.00

Seideliana 1@ $10.00

Stricta Black Tip 3@ $10.00, 4@ $20.00

Stricta Hybrid 1@ $8.00

Stricta Green 12@ $8.00 (6 no bud, 6 in bud)

Stricta Green 5@ $10.00 (3 no bud,  2 in bud)

Stricta Green 1@ $20.00 (no bud)

Stricta Soft Purple 1@ $10.00, 1@ $20.00

Stricta Stiff Gray 2@ $10.00

Stricta Stiff Gray Giant 2@ $20.00

Stricta Stiff Green 11@ $8.00, 8@ $20.00

Stricta Violet 2@ $8.00

Tenuifolia Bush  2@ $8.00, 4@ $10.00, 1@ $20.00



Connoisseur’s Corner

(Limit 5)


Ehlersiana 12”-15” $30.00 Very Cool!* (Limit 2)

Hondurensis (bud) $40.00

Huarazensis (bud) $50.00 *Special Feature*

Lotteae $50.00

Streptophylla x Ehlersiana 6-9” $35.00

Streptophylla x Ehlersiana 10-14” $60.00


Returning Favorites

Look who’s back!


Aeranthos Mini Purple $3.00

Stricta x Tenuifolia $3.00

Weberi $5.00


Specials Not in Bloom


Recurving Xerographica Assortment


~Assorted shapes and sizes – Check it out!!~


Straminea Tall White 6”-9” $3.99 Fragrant!
~$2.79 net price at $800 discount level!!~

(Beautiful, large plant with silver foliage;

Produces large, creamy yellow flower with blue tips)


Straminea Tall White 10”-16” $7.50 Fragrant!
~$5.25 net price at $800 discount level!!~

Specials Not in Bloom, continued:                    

Butzii Giant Hybrid $6.00

Capillaris $2.00

Cereicola 8-12” $5.00 SALE

Cereicola 13”+ $7.50 SALE

Concolor 2”-3” $1.00

Extensa 2”-4” $1.50

Extensa 5”-7” $2.50

Heteromorpha $3.50

Ionantha Fat Boy $2.50

Ionantha Peach $1.75

Ionantha Peach Sm. Cl. $2.50

Mima v Chilitensis 3”-4” $1.50

Mima v Chilitensis 5”-6” $3.50

Montana Thick Leaf $2.00 Great Buy!  BIG!!

Narthecoides Clump $7.50

Roezlii 9”-15” $12.50

Secunda 15-30” $15.00 GREAT BUY!


Stricta Iridescent $3.99 SALE!

Velutina 2”-3” $1.00


**LIMITED SUPPLIES: Availability is first come first served, and can change frequently**


Need BIG Plants?

Ampla $10.00

Extensa 13”+ $10.00

Fasciculata Giant Hybrid $15.00

Fasciculata Hybrid 11”+ $7.50

Fraseri 18”-30” $30.00

Jalisco-Monticola Hybrid $9.95

Latifolia 14”-18” $9.99 Great Buy!

Lymanii 12”-15” $10.00

Rubella 9”-16” $10.00

Straminea Giant Tall $15.00

Superinsignis 12-15” $10.00


Need small Plants?

Ehlersiana 2”-3” $0.75

Filifolia 1-2” $1.00

Funckiana 1”-2” $1.00

Ionantha Guat. $0.55

Ionantha Peanut/Fuego ¾”-1 ½” $1.00

Ionantha Peanut/Fuego 1 ½”-3” $1.50

Neglecta 1”-3” $0.75


Are you a collector or hobbyist?

Don’t want the Minimums?

The independent, exclusive, retail distributors listed below can help you!
They offer fast service, inexpensive phyto-sanitary certificates for international shipping,
and years of experience.


Plant Oddities
(International Distributor)
Louis Davis
3055 Cairo Rd
Paducah, KY 42001


Coastal Tillandsia Supply

(#1 West Coast Distributor)

17133 Barneston Street

Granada Hills, CA 91344



The Air Plant Hub
Vacaville, CA


Tillandsia International does not spray  paint any of its plants. Never has and never will.


This is not a complete listing of our availability.
For complete availability and order form, please visit


Domestic Minimum Order Requirement $200.00

Foreign and Hawaii Minimum Order Requirement $400.00


Plants $2.00 and under = minimum 10 plants per species.

Plants between $2.01 - $9.99 = minimum 5 plants per species.

Plants $10.00 and over = minimum 1 plant per species.




Domestic Quantity Discount Levels

$400.00 = 10%

$600.00 = 20%

$800.00 = 30%

$2000.00 = 32%


Foreign and Hawaii Quantity Discount Levels

$600.00 = 20%

$800.00 = 30%

$2000.00 = 32%


In order to better serve our customers, we urge you to use our secured online order form at   We also accept faxed orders at 559.658.8847.  This helps eliminate errors in addresses, phone numbers, and species names, as well as cut down on lengthy phone call holding time.


First time customers MUST use our online order form to place their first order.




Hot Weather Precautions:  Due to UPS holding boxes in areas without temperature control, we ship all boxes leaving on Fridays via Priority Mail.  If you don’t want this, we will delay shipping until the following week.


Barring weather precautions, if you live in CA, OR, WA, UT, ID, NV, AZ, MT, WY, CO, or NM

You may choose UPS Ground for your order.


If you live in any other state:

Your order will be shipped via The United States Postal Service (USPS).

Time in transit: 2-3 business days.

If you need your order sooner or prefer UPS, you still have the option of UPS Next Day Air, Second Day Air or Three Day Select.

If you prefer to have your order shipped via UPS, please indicate this upon placing your order.  If no preference is indicated, your order will ship USPS.

Please conduct all business and inquiries on our website or email


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You will receive a confirmation email.  Please reply with the word “Unsubscribe” as the subject line, and you will be removed from this list.




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